Appointment of External Experts for the Working Group on the Implementation of Decisions

Submission of Applications
  1. Background


The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) is an African Union Organ established to monitor the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (the Charter). As per Article 43 of the Charter, the ACERWC has the mandate to receive and consider State Party reports on the status of the implementation of the Children’s Charter. After considering State Party reports, it issues concluding observations and recommendations on the measures that States Parties may take to improve the implementation of the Charter. In accordance with Article 44, the ACERWC also has the mandate to consider communications/complaints against States Parties on alleged violations of the Charter, where the Committee also issues decisions as the case may be. Furthermore, the ACERWC may undertake investigations on child rights issues pursuant to Article 45 of the Charter, after which it issues recommendations and calls for action on the matters under investigation. The ACERWC also issues recommendations and calls for action to Member States of the African Union on children’s rights issues through letters of urgent appeals, resolutions, and statements, among others.


The ACERWC notes that its recommendations and decisions arising out of its mandate enhances the implementation of the Charter if they are implemented. Hence, monitoring States’ compliance with the decisions and recommendations of ACERWC is key to fully realising children’s rights on the continent as prescribed in the Charter. Through its various follow-up and monitoring mechanisms the ACERWC noted, based on evidence, that there is a gap in implementation of its decisions and recommendations.


To address the gaps in implementation, during its 35th Ordinary Session, held virtually from 31 August to 08 September 2020, the ACERWC established the Working Group on the Implementation of Decisions. The Working Group is primarily composed of four Members of the ACERWC and is mandated to undertake activities as defined by the Resolution establishing the Working Group and the Standard of Operating Procedures for the establishment of Working Groups as Special Mechanisms within the ACERWC.


Cognisant of the need for regular and continued monitoring of the level of implementation towards achieving the full implementation of its recommendations and decisions, at its 42nd Ordinary Session held from 08 to 17 November 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the ACERWC decided to extend the mandate of the working group for another two years. Also, mindful of the role that external experts could play in enhancing the work of the Working Group, the Committee during its 43rd Ordinary Session held from 15 to 25 April 2024 decided to expand its composition to include individuals who will be serving as Members of the Working Groups in their capacities as ‘experts on the field’.


It is within this context that the ACERWC would like to appoint four external experts to assist the undertakings of the Working Group, support the implementation of its activities and contribute to the fulfilment of its mandate.


  1. Main duties and responsibilities of external expert


The external experts support the Working Group in discharging its mandates, as per the Decision of the Chair of the Working Group and as contained in the Resolution for its establishment and reiterated as follows; 


  1. Support the Activities of the Working Group in disseminating the findings and recommendations of the ACERWC’s study on the Implementation of Decisions;
  2. Provide expertise and draft documents, standards, guidelines, and policy briefs as decided by the Working Group and approved by the Committee;
  3. Provide technical expertise to support the Working Group as external experts in the exercise of their respective responsibilities/mandates as stated in these ToRs;
  4. Assist the Working Group in regularly collecting information from Civil Society actors and National Human Rights Institutions, on their assessment of the level of implementation of the Committee’s Decisions and recommendations.


  1. Qualifications


  1. Advanced university degree in law, International Law, Human rights, children’s rights, or other related disciplines;
  2. A minimum of 10 years of working experience in the area of children’s rights or general human rights in the African context;
  3. National of an African country;
  4. Demonstrated knowledge, experience and understanding of the African Children’s Charter as well as the ACERWC;
  5. Demonstrated knowledge of the practice, procedure, and jurisprudence of the African human rights system;
  6. First-hand knowledge and experience of the cultural, social, economic and political context of Africa;
  7. Fluency in one of the AU Languages, is required, and knowledge of additional African union working languages is desirable; 
  8. Work experience in the AU, UN, and other international organisations is desirable;
  9. Excellent analytical skills using both qualitative and quantitative methods.



  1. Reporting lines


The external experts will work under the supervision and guidance of the ACERWC and the Chair of the Working Group on Implementation of Decisions.


  1. Duration and Attendance


The appointment of successful candidates will commence immediately from the date that the Committee finalises and adopts the selection, which will run through November 2025. The external experts will be required to attend all the meetings of the Working Group and selected activities of the Working Group; s/he will also be required to attend relevant Ordinary Session of the Committee upon request of the Chairperson of the Working Group.


  1. Location


The appointment will be home-based with the above-mentioned travels to attend working group meetings and the ACERWC sessions whenever necessary.


  1. Reimbursement


The external experts shall not be considered employees; as such, they are not entitled to any form of remuneration. However, the full travel costs of the external experts will be covered, and a daily subsistence allowance will be given for the duration of travels based on African Union rules and regulations.


  1. Application


The application document should consist of the following:

  1. A cover letter summarising the background of the applicant and why the applicant is interested in the position;
  2. A Customised Curriculum Vitae not exceeding 3 pages;
  3. Evidence of educational background and professional experience;
  4. Samples of publications, professional undertakings or related activities which demonstrate the applicants’ expertise in the areas of state compliance and implementation of decisions and recommendations; and
  5. Names and contacts of three references. 


  1. Application deadline


Application should be submitted to the Secretariat of the ACERWC no later than 13 June 2024. Applications should be sent to [email protected] copying [email protected]

Opportunity Type
Closing Date

External Experts (4)

Key Task: Serving in the Working Group of the ACERWC on Implementation of Decisions in the fulfilment of the mandate of the Group.

Duty station: Home-based with travels to attend meetings of Working Groups, on-site activities of the Working Group and Ordinary Sessions of the Committee.

Contract type and duration: Part-time external experts (4)

Date of appointment: November 2024- November 2025