Investigation Missions
fact-finding mission in the republic of Malawi on matters of children with albinism
Mission Date: 29 أغسطس 2022MALAWI -
Fact Finding Mission to Mozambique on the situation of Childrens affected by the conflit in Cabo Delgado
Mission Date: 23 مايو 2022The Committee will undertake a fact-finding Mission in Cabo Delgado to assess the nature and gravity of violations faced by children. The mission aims to examine the conflict's impact on children and monitor the government responses in addressing the si
Investigation Mission in Tanzania
Mission Date: 11 أغسطس 2015Recently, the ACERWC conducted an Investigation Mission in Tanzania, following an application to investigate on alleged violations of the rights of children with albinism. The application was introduced on November 2013 by a Non-Governmental Organization, Under The Same Sun (UTSS), drawing Committee’s attention on the alarming conditions of children with albinism subjected to violations of their rights in Tanzania. The Committee considered the application at its 24th Ordinary Session held on 01-06 December, 2014, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Investigation Mission in the Central Africa Republic
Mission Date: 15 ديسمبر 2014Following the adoption of a resolution on the situation of children in the Central African Republic during its 23th ordinary session held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from April 7 to 16, 2014, the Committee thus decided to undertake mission with the main objective of providing answers and recommend solutions to improve the protection of children affected by the conflicts.
Investigation Mission in the Republic of South Sudan
Mission Date: 01 أغسطس 2014Following the adoption of a resolution on the situation of children in the Republic of South Sudan during its 23th ordinary session held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from April 7 to 16, 2014, the Committee thus decided to undertake mission with the main objective of providing answers and recommend solutions to improve the protection of children affected by the conflicts.