Evaluation of the ACERWC Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Submission of Applications
  1. Application address and deadline

Application should be submitted to the Secretariat of the ACERWC no later than 31 January 2025 11:00 PM SAST. Applications should be sent to [email protected] copying [email protected] and  [email protected].

Opportunity Type
Closing Date

Terms of Reference

For the appointment of consultants For the ACERWC’s activities around evaluation of a Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Description of the Assignment: Evaluation of a Strategic Plan Related activity of annual work plan

Lead on the ACERWC’s plan to evaluate the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

Duration and Location of assignment

For a duration 20 days

Time of assignment

February – April 2025


  1. Background


The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (the Charter) was adopted by the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) Assembly on 11 July 1990 and entered into force on 29 November 1999.  The Charter establishes the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC, or the Committee) as the body which is responsible for monitoring the implementation and ensuring the protection of the rights laid out in the Charter. The Committee was inaugurated in July 2001 pursuant to articles 32 of the Charter.


The Committee monitors the implementation of the Charter through various undertakings. Articles 42-45 of the Charter outline the mandate of the Committee, providing the basis for its work. Some of its main mandate include consideration of State Party reports, consideration of Communications/complaints, undertaking investigation, and interpreting the Charter, among others. To assist its work and have priorities and results set, the Committee, in line with its mandate, is guided by a strategic plan. In 2021 the ACERWC adopted a five-year Strategic Plan (2021-2025) based on the results of the valuation of the previous Strategic Plan (2015-2019) which defined the focus of the work of the Committee for five-year period. The Plan establishes the major objectives that the Committee intended to achieve during this period. It outlined concrete and feasible activities that the Committee would undertake within the limits of both its mandate as well as expected available resources. The Committee is approaching the end of the term of this Strategic Plan and preparing to develop a new Strategic Plan for the next five years. The Committee notes that it is necessary to undertake an evaluation of the current strategic plan, conduct consultations, to inform the development of the new one. In this regard, the ACERWC would like to hire a consultant to undertake the various activities around the current evaluation of the ACERWC strategic plan. 


  1. Objective and scope of the assignment


The main objective of the consultancy is to undertake end of term evaluation of the ACERWC’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025. The evaluation aims at determining the overall achievement of the Strategic Plan and implementation to date, identify lessons learned, challenges and makes concrete recommendations for the refinement of the projects approach that can be used to improve the design and subsequent implementation of the new Strategic Plan. The consultant will evaluate the current strategic plan and draft the new Strategic Plan to define the overall priorities and theories of change by taking into consideration the requirements of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child that defines the scope of work and the mandate of the Committee. The new Strategic Plan should be grounded in a situation analysis and identification of the scope of the assignment is divided into the following phases:


Phase I- Retreat and a consultative forum- The consultants will lead on the organisation and facilitation of a retreat of the ACERWC. The Strategic Planning Retreat will serve as a platform for a preliminary evaluation of the ACERWC’s current Strategic Plan 2021-2025, a consultative forum with key stakeholders, including children’s representatives, on major priorities of children on the continent. Through such platforms a preliminary input and data gathering will be done. The Retreat offers a platform for robust discussion and meeting of minds on topics including (i) lessons learnt, key insights from the consultations held with the ACERWC Committee Members; (ii) a review of the Implementation of AU Assembly Decisions on ACERWC; (iii) Global and Continental Trends that affect implementation of the ACERWC programme; (iv) Emerging Issues and Opportunities; and (v) defining the Key focus Areas for the next 5 years as well as expected results and impact of the ACERWC over the 5 years 2026-2030. Participants include the Committee Members, the Secretariat, with the participation of representatives from the AU Commission’s Offices for Strategic Planning, the AUC Director-General (ODG), and key partner organisations and development partners.


Phase II- Evaluation of Strategic Plan 2021-2025- the consultants will evaluate the status of implementation of the Strategic Plan, identifying success factors, challenges and proposed solutions. The assignment aims at assessing effectiveness, implementation, and impact of the ACERWC’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025. The evaluation process will inform the elements and theory of change of the newly developed strategic plan.


Phase V- Adoption of the Strategic Plan evaluation report - the consultants will present the evaluation Strategic Plan at the 45th Ordinary Session of the ACERWC in April 2025 for possible adoption.





Using a consultative process, the consultants are expected to use quantitative and qualitative methods to gather information and perspective from appropriate documents and selected stakeholders. Methods should include but not limited to, individual interviews using structured, semi-structured and in-depth interviews as appropriate, and direct observation. As child participation is key to the work of the Committee, the consultants shall ensure its inclusion in the evaluation of the Strategic Plan by implementing child-friendly data collection methods, while also upholding robust child safeguarding practices throughout the process. The consultant will review relevant work plans, projects, program documents, reports and publications. Among others, the consultant consults the following documents:



  • Review the working documents of the ACERWC, the ACERWC’s websites, the ACERWC Strategic Plan 2021-2025, annual work plans, progress, narrative and annual reports, and any key strategic development planning documents can also be used as guidance.
  • Regularly consult the African Children’s Charter, Agenda 2063 and its implementation Plans, Agenda 20240 and its implementation reports;
  • Review State Party Reports, Decisions of the ACEWRWC, Concluding Observations;
  • Review and consult the Committee’s General Comments, Guidelines, Resolutions and Standards
  • Review and consult the Decisions of the AU Policy Organs.
  • Review and consult the ongoing projects with the ACERWC: EU-AGA, ACCP and GIZ.
  • Review of the AU ongoing initiatives and projects at the AUC and department level (AU campaign on Ending Child Marriage, AU Initiative on Ending FGM, Migration framework, OCSE, Disability strategy, etc).
  • Have strategic analysis of current situations including and the current AU reforms.
  • Conduct interviews with key actors and informants: In addition to direct face-to-face interviews with key stakeholders, the consultant will also use online communication method to reach key stakeholders for information and opinions that will guide the elaboration of the strategic plan.
  • Briefings from the Secretariat staff.
  • Always in consultation with the Secretariat, the consultant will share a program of work, prepare a list of the stakeholders to interview.
  • Development of assessment methodology in consultation with the Secretariat, (involving analysis of programme and activities in areas of time, target groups, person reached, and outcomes measured).




    1. Activities


  • Strategic Planning Retreat for evaluation of Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  •  Evaluation of Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  • Preliminary input and data gathering
  • Inception phase desk-based review and initial gathering of information. This should also cover the methodology, data gathering instruments, detailed work plan (indicating all the stages of the evaluation process), timeline, staffing.
  • A program of work, prepare a list of stakeholders to interview.
  • Inception report- Based on the review of key documents and discussion with key informants an inception report shall be prepared and shared to the ACERWC and Secretariat for their inputs.
  • The drafting of the Strategic Plan
  • Presentation of the final draft during the 45th Ordinary Session of the ACERWC in April 2025.
  • Production of the of the Final evaluation report inputs.


    1. Key deliverables


In close collaboration with the ACERWC and the Secretariat, the Consultant will be responsible to deliver the following:

  • An Inception Report based on desk review, including monitoring reports made so far in the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
  • A Draft Evaluation Report based on structured interviews, discussions and recommendations.
  • Tools for the monitoring and evaluation of program implementation.
  • Finally, the consultant shall present the Evaluation Report to the Committee and the Secretariat during the April 2025 Ordinary Session of the ACERWC.

The Evaluation Report should be facilitated and documented and:

  • Contain an executive summary;
  • Contain and introduction and background;
  • Include the list of Interviewees;
  • Be analytical in nature (both quantitative and qualitative);
  • Be structured around issues and related findings/lessons learnt;
  • Include feasible recommendations;
  • Include conclusions;
  • Have core values and key guiding principles of the ACERWC;
  • Add strategic goal and well defined and mutually exclusive objectives;
  • Shows risks and assumptions;
  • The length of the Report should not exceed 20 to 30 pages in total (including the annexes
    1. . Duration

The overall assignment is expected to take place from February to June 2025 for a total of 20 working days. The assignment will be held mainly in Maseru, Lesotho and also Home Based.


Estimated time

Key outputs


Preparation by consultants and field team

Succinct Inception Report, including

  • Review of relevant documents and project progress reports.
  • Other relevant literature review
  • Briefings from the Secretariat
  • Agreement on and preparation of a program of work (Meetings, activities & timeframes)
  • Development of assessment methodology (involving analysis of programmes and activities)

4 days


Familiarization with the core mandate of the ACERWC and its Secretariat.

Evaluation work plan and timeframe.

Evaluation instruments (examples: matrix with key evaluation questions and means of verification, questionnaires, interview protocols, meeting programmes, focus group methodologies, etc.)

February -March 2025


Meetings, discussions and interview with relevant informants and partners

  • Consultation with the ACERWC and Secretariat Staff;
  • Discussions with key implementing partners, projects staff and key donors including EU, GIZ and ACCP.

6 days

Documented records of consultation and interviews and observations with stakeholders.

Data Sets

Draft evaluation of findings.

March -April 2025

Writing Report

Draft Evaluation Report which should:

  • Contain an executive summary
  • Be analytical in nature
  • Contain an executive summary
  • Introduction and background
  • Include the list of Interviewees
  • Be analytical in nature (both quantitative and qualitative)
  • Be structured around issues and related findings/lessons learnt
  • Include feasible recommendations
  • Include conclusions
  • Core values and key guiding principles of the ACERWC
  • Strategic goal and well defined and mutually exclusive objectives
  • Risks and assumptions

4 days

Draft report delivered to the Secretariat for consideration and comments.





End of March 2025


Presentation of the report to the committee members at the session

Preparation and Presentation to the Committee Members of the draft report on findings and recommendations.


Enhanced understanding of the committee mandate.

Committee Members views fully reflected in the final report.

April 2025 session

Submission of Final Evaluation Report

4 days after presenting at the Session

A report of maximum 20 to 30 pages including annexes in word document format with tables/graphs where appropriate will be submitted after the presentation, incorporating comments made on the draft presented to the Committee Members for adoption.

End of JUNE  2025

Time allocated to the Assignment

  1. Days






  1. Qualification and skills


  • Advanced university degree (Masters or PhD) in social sciences, public policy and planning and/or international development policy and planning.
  • At least 12 years of experience working in strategic management, in developing, evaluating or reviewing strategic planning and development of strategies for international and regional organizations or other complex institutions such as government offices or private organizations;
  • An excellent and demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the ACERWC and the Africa Union Human Rights System is required;
  • Additional M&E qualification will be considered;
  • Excellent reporting skills;
  • Ability to work in the multi-cultural team environment and to deliver under pressure/meet deadlines;
  • Ability to work with partners on various levels;
  • Both written and spoken fluency in English; fluency in one of the AU languages is an asset;
  • Computer literacy in Microsoft packages (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel) and data analysis skills (e.g SPSS, STATA, NVivo) is mandatory.
  1. General professional experience
  • At least 12 years professional experience in research, analysis and drafting of national plans, and/or in Monitoring and Evaluation of development projects, including a strong experience on social issues such as social policy and children's rights and welfare.


  1. Specific professional experience
  • Relevant experience with the African Human Rights System and demonstrated knowledge of the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child is mandatory.
  • Experience in developing projects that deal with the issues of governance, human rights, effectiveness, advocacy, networking, collaboration, and capacity building is required.
  • Experience in participatory methods of research, gathering and synthesizing the perspectives of various stakeholders and resource persons is required.
  • Excellent presenting and communications skills is required.


  1. Supervision

The consultant will work under the direct supervision and guidance of the ACERWC through its Secretariat. The mode of work will be home based, with frequent travel to the Kingdom of Lesotho and the location of the validation workshop or session (If different from Lesotho). 

  1. Applications

The ACERWC invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services.  Interested candidate must provide information demonstrating that he/she has the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. Consulting firms may propose an individual consultant, but only the experience and qualifications of the individual shall be used in the selection process, and the contract would be signed with the proposed individual.

The application document should consist of the following:

  1. A cover letter summarizing the background of the applicant;
  2. A Customized Curriculum Vitae not exceeding 3 pages;
  3. Technical Proposal on:
  • understanding and interpretation of the TOR
  • methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
  • time and activity schedule
  1. Financial proposal
  • Consultant’s daily rate in US$
  • Other costs e.g. travel and Daily Subsistence Allowance
  • Total cost
  1. Financial proposal should be sent separately in a PDF format and IT SHALL BE PASSWORD PROTECTED. However, the password shall be submitted by the Consultant to the ACERWC upon request and after concluding the evaluation of CVs. 
  2. Evidence of educational background and professional experience;
  3. Samples of publications, professional undertakings or related activities which demonstrate the applicants’ expertise on the areas stated above; and
  4. Names and contacts of three references. 


  1. Evaluation Criteria


For evaluation of the expressions of interest the following criteria will be applied:

  1. General Education Qualification and Relevant Training (20 points);
  2. Experience Related to the Assignment (25 points);
  3. Technical approach and methodology (45 points)
  4. Work plan (10 points)
  5. The pass mark for technical proposals shall be 70%.


  1. Remuneration

Consultancy fees will be paid at the daily rate to be negotiated with the selected consultant for the 20 days.  Payment will be made in two installments. The 1st installment which is 30% of the contract amount will be paid after submission of the first draft of the evaluation ; and the 2nd and final payment which is 70% will be paid at the end of the agreed period upon submission of the expected deliverables.