Consultancy Service for the Development of Media Guidelines on Reporting on Child Rights Violations

Consultancy Service for the Development of Media Guidelines on Reporting on Child Rights Violations

Tor For Consultancy
Mission description:

The aim of the Guidelines is to enhance child rights-based reportage and generate responsible coverage of child rights violations including:

  • To ensure that media professionals working on stories and reports about child rights violations appreciate the rights of children;
  • To ensure that media professionals produce media content on child rights violations that conforms to the highest international journalism and ethical standards; and
  • To ensure that media professionals have guidance on their ethical and social responsibilities and the particular care required for the coverage of child rights violations.

Download the Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference Media Guidelines on Reporting on Child Right Violations

Qualified candidates should send their applications comprising, a technical and financial proposal, samples of publications, professional undertakings, or related activities which demonstrate the applicants’ expertise in the areas stated in the TORs above, to [email protected] on or before 16 September 2022.

Dez 22 2021